Why Early Motherhood Matters?

Hey friends! Let's talk about something close to all our hearts: raising happy, healthy kids. As a parent myself, I know we all want the best for our little ones. And one of the most powerful influences in a child's early life? The incredible bond they share with their mom. Now, I'm not saying dads, grandparents, and other caregivers aren't super important – because they absolutely are! It truly takes a village. But there's something uniquely special about the mother-child relationship, especially in those crucial early years, from infancy through preschool. Think about it: from the moment they're born, babies are wired to connect with their moms. That sweet smell, the comforting voice, the gentle touch – it all creates a sense of safety and security that's absolutely vital for their development. And science backs this up! Research shows that when children have a strong, loving bond with their mothers in those early years, amazing things happen. It's like a miracle!

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The Hardest Part of Motherhood: Discipline, Grace, and the Long Road to Maturity

One of the hardest parts of raising children is the responsibility to say no, set boundaries, and follow through with consequences. As parents, we are tasked with introducing our children to the reality of a broken world—a world that is often unfair, filled with struggles, and requires self-control and resilience. It’s a weighty responsibility, and to make matters more challenging, our children may not understand or appreciate our discipline in the moment.

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The Power of Instilling Bible Verses in Our Children

When I was growing up, my parents weren’t the type to attend Bible studies or emphasize Sunday school. While they valued prayer and church meetings, we didn’t have structured Bible-reading habits at home. As a result, I didn’t grow up memorizing Scripture. It wasn’t until adulthood that I truly began to read and understand the Bible. Looking back, I realize how much this absence impacted my journey. If I had been taught to memorize Bible verses as a child, I believe I would have avoided many of the lies I believed and the confusion I faced in my search for meaning and truth.

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I Never Thought I Could Teach My Son to Read and Write

If someone had told me years ago that I would one day teach my son to read and write in English, I wouldn’t have believed them. I was born and raised in Brazil and came to the United States at the age of 20. My own education and literacy journey were in Portuguese, so when it came to teaching my third child, Joshua, I faced a challenge I never expected.

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